

Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat (HEENT)

The following are some terms that you might encounter when you transcribe the HEENT portion of a medical report. Formatting varies per provider, make sure to follow account specs.

HEAD atraumatic atraumatic, normocephalic (AT/NC) Battle's sign (cap the "B" - named for Dr. William H. Battle) facial pain facial weakness flattening of the (left/right) nasolabial fold fontanel (infant exam) headache macrocephaly/macrocephalic megacephaly/megacephalic microcephaly/microcephalic nasolabial fold normocephalic normocephalic, atraumatic (NC/AT)

EYES abnormal A-V ratio altered eye motion anicteric anisocoria arcus senilis arterial pulsation A-V crossing change Battle's sign best-corrected visual acuity black eye blood or hemorrhage in eye blurred vision cataract change in size, shape of pupils change in the color of the iris conjunctivae pink, not injected, clear, normal, muddy, no pallor cornea clear/cloudy corneal reflex intact crusty, swollen, inflamed eyelids darkness around or under the eyes decreased night vision disk/disc margins well-delineated disks/discs sharp double vision drusen dry eyes enucleated excessive tearing, watering exophthalmos extraocular movements (EOM) (may be dictated EE-OHM) extraocular movements intact (EOMI) (may be dictated EE-OH-MEE) focal constrictions foreign object in the eye fundi well-visualized/not well-visualized/not examined funduscopic examination, funduscopy H or E (hemorrhage or exudate) hard exudates homonymous hemianopsia increased cup to disc ratio iridectomy irregular pupil isocoria/isocoric (meaning the pupils are equal bilaterally) itchy or burning eyes lenticular opacification limbal injection lumps, bumps, sores on the lids macular degeneration medullated nerve fibers miosis mydriasis nonreactive/hyporeactive pupil nystagmus ocular swelling opacification opacified optic atrophy pain in or around the eye papilledema photophobia pigmentary disturbance preretinal and retinal hemorrhage protruding eyes ptosis (pronounced TOH-SIS) ptosis of eyelids Pupils (fixed/dilated/pinpoint) Pupils equal and reactive to light. (PERL) Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. (PERRLA) Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. (PERRL) (above may be dictated as PURL or PURL-LAH) raccoon raccoon eyes rapid eye movements (REM) red eye red or pink eyes red reflex reduced vision retinopathy sclerae anicteric/icteric slit-lamp examination soft exudates strabismus strabismus/lazy eye swelling around the eyes visual acuity Eye Pathology Age Related Eye Conditions: Cataract, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Presbyopia Congenital Defects: Congenital cataracts Degenerative Diseases: Retinitis pigmentosa Eyelid Disorders: Blepharitis, Chalazion, Ectropion, Entropion, Pinguecula, Pterygium, Ptosis, Sty/Hordeolum, Hypoxia/Hyperoxia, Retinal vessel occlusion Infection: Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Corneal ulcers and infections Eye Inflammation: Chemosis, Episcleritis, Hypertensive retinopathy, Optic neuritis, Scleritis, Uveitis Others: Amaurosis fugax, Amblyopia, Astigmatism, Blindness, Blocked tear duct, Coloboma of the iris, Colorblindness, Corneal injury, Dacryoadenitis, Eye floaters, Farsightedness, Gonococcal Ophthalmia, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, Keratoconus, Melanoma of the eye, Nearsightedness, Optic atrophy, Optic Glioma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Retinoblastoma, Retrolental Fibroplasia, Strabismus, Tay-Sachs disease 

EARS auditory canal cerumen injected myringotomy tubes poor light reflex TMs (tympanic membranes) tympanic membranes intact - red/bulging/dull hearing loss equilibrium/balance problems dizziness/vertigo ear ache/pain fullness, tickling, itching in ear tinnitus/ringing in the ear lumps, bumps or sores in ear swimmers ear Ear Pathology Acoustic Trauma, Acute otitis media, Age-related hearing loss, Aural polyps, Barotitis, Benign ear cyst or tumor, Cholesteatoma, Chronic otitis media, Chronic Suppurative Otitis, Ear barotraumas, Ear discharges,bleeding, Ear foreign body, External otitis, Genetic Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Granulomatous Diseases, Infectious myringitis, Labyrinthitis, Labyrinthitis Ossificans, Mastoiditis, Meniere's disease, Middle Ear, Benign Tumors, Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, Occupational hearing loss, Otitis externa; acute, Otitis externa; chronic, Otitis media, Otitis Media with Effusion, Otosclerosis, Otosclerosis, Ototoxicity, Patulous Eustachian Tube, Perilymphatic Fistula, Pina abnormalities and low set ears, Presbycusis, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, Ruptured ear drum, Sensorineural deafness, Serous otitis, Sudden Hearing Loss, Syndromic Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Tympanic Membrane Perforations, Vascular obstruction, Wax blockage Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures Cochlear Implants, Fractionated Stereotactic, Implantable Hearing Devices, Middle Ear Endoscopy, Myringotomy, Ossiculoplasty, Radiation for Acoustic Neuroma External ear, aural atresia Related keywords: auricular atresia, congenital auricular deformity, small auricle, microtia, anotia, lop ear, cup ear, Stahl ear, peanut ear, anotic ear, peanut deformity, hypoplasia, hypoplastic ear, prominent ear, hemifacial microsomia, Goldenhar syndrome, Treacher Collins syndrome, Franceschetti syndrome, oculoauricular vertebral dysplasia, ear deformity, aural atresia, ear reconstruction Preauricular Cysts, Pits, and Fissures Related keywords: preauricular tags, epithelial mounds, pedunculated skin, preauricular sinus pit, sinus tracts, subcutaneous cysts, branchiootorenal syndrome, BOR syndrome, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, mandibulofacial dysostosis, oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia, chromosome arm 11q duplication syndrome, chromosome arm 4p deletion syndrome, chromosome arm 5p deletion syndrome, preauricular cysts, pits, and fissures

NOSE bloody nose/epistaxis boggy turbinates boogers congested dry nose excessive sneezing flattening of the nasolabial fold inferior turbinate itchy nose loss of smell/anosmia nasal congestion/obstuction nasolabial fold polyps postnasal drip runny nose/excess nasal discharge septal deviation sinus turbinate/turbinate hypertrophy Nose Pathology Epistaxis / Nosebleeds, Foreign body nose, Nasal polyps, Nasal Polyps, Nose Fracture, Nosebleed – injury, obstructive sleep apnea, Rhinophyma, Seasonal Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Vasomotor rhinitis 

THROAT and MOUTH aphthae aphthous ulcers bifid bifid uvula buccal mucosa cleft palate dentition difficulty swallowing/dysphagia drooling edentulous erythema exudate hard palate hoarseness/loss of voice mucous membranes moist/dry palate pharynx protruded tongue midline snoring soft palate sore throat temporomandibular joint thrush tongue well-papillated uvula and tongue midline uvula moves on phonation Pathology Breath odor, Canker sores, Chapped lips, Cleft lip and palate, Fever blister, Follicular tonsilitis, Geographic tongue, Gingivitis, Glossitis, Glossopharyngeal neuralgia, Herpes labialis, Leukoplakia, Macroglossia, Mouth ulcers, Oral cancer, Oral candidiasis (adult), Periodontitis, Perioral dermatitis, Pharyngitis, Posterior tongue carcinoma, Tongue tie, Tonsilitis Tonsillitis and Peritonsillar Abscess Related keywords: tonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess, quinsy, acute tonsillitis, recurrent tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pharyngotonsillitis, adenotonsillitis, PTA, inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, lingual tonsillitis, group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes, GABHS, GABHS pharyngitis, adenoidectomy, trismus, quinsy tonsillectomy, abscessed tonsil, bilateral tonsillectomy, sore throat, throat infection Adenoidectomy Related keywords: adenoidectomy, adenoid surgery, adenoid removal, infected adenoids, pediatric adenoidectomy, pediatric adenoid removal, pediatric adenoid surgery, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, T&A, adenoiditis, tonsillectomy, middle ear effusion, otitis media, OM, middle ear infection, rhinosinusitis, ear infection, ear disease, chronic sinusitis, COM, AOM, acute otitis media, chronic otitis media, otitis media with effusion, OME, adenoid curette, adenoid punch Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Related keywords: velopharyngeal insufficiency, VPI, velopharyngeal incompetency, velopharyngeal dysfunction, VPD, hypernasality, resonance disorders, cleft palate, palatoplasty, pharyngeal flap, pharyngoplasty, velocardiofacial syndrome, VCF syndrome, Kabuki syndrome, KS, Shprintzen syndrome 

NECK EXAMINATION carotids 2+ and equal bilaterally, carotid bruit, cervical adenopathy, goiter, hepatojugular reflux (HJR), jugular venous distention (JVD), lymph nodes not palpable/palpable, hard, immobile, fixed, freely mobile, lymphadenopathy, multinodular goiter, pharynx, shotty lymph nodes [NOT shoddy], stridor, supple, thyroid not palpable, thyromegaly, venous distention at 45 degrees Pathology Lymphadenopathy/lymphadenitis Thyroid enlargement 

HEENT DIAGNOSTICS 3-D X ray ASO Audiometry Auscultation CT scan Ear tubes are small plastic or metal tubes Eustachian Tube Placement Examination of mouth and throat Examination of nose and sinuses Fluorescein techniques Headache evaluation Inspection MRI Nasoscopic examination Neck examination (thyroid gland and lymph nodes) Ophthalmoscopic examination Otoscopic examination Palpation Perimetry Pulsatile irrigation Rapid strep test Retinoscopy Sinus CT Scan Slit lamp evaluation Standard tests of vision and hearing Temperomandibular (TMJ) pain Tonometry Tympanostomy Xoran Mini CT Scanner for sinus, ear, and TMJ visualization X-ray imaging 

Treatment techniques Cervical lymphatic enhancement Ear "adjustment" (J) Ear acupoint stimulation Ear pump Eustachian tube opening decongestion technique Irrigation of the ear/ cerumen removal Lid flipping and foreign body removal techniques of the eye Sinus acupoint stimulation Sinus percussion/stimulation techniques Sinus pump Suboccipital stretch

Physical Examination (PE)


Most medical reports have Physical Examination and the format is usually run on. Follow the required formatting by your provider. Here are some of the common terms dictated under the PE heading.

VITAL SIGNS: Temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, weight, and height. Oxygen saturation on room air is 96%. Afebrile.

GENERAL: Alert, cooperative (age/gender) in NAD. Reveals a well-developed, well-nourished, well-hydrated male in no acute distress. Sitting comfortably on the examining table. Normal affect. Cachetic. Appearing alert and comfortable; looks normal self. The patient is awake, alert x3 in no acute distress.

SKIN: Normal. No rash, ecchymosis, erythema or drainage. No hematoma. No cyanosis. No lesions.

HEENT exam: Unremarkable. Reveals the head to be normocephalic and atraumatic. Eyes: PERRLA; EOMS are intact bilaterally; red reflex is also present bilaterally. Fundoscopic examination is unremarkable for hemorrhages, exudates or papilledema. Sclera is white. Conjunctiva is pink. Extraocular muscles: Intact. Sclera is anicteric. Ears: Clear. TMs are pearly gray with good cone of light. TMs erythematous, bulging bilaterally and poorly movable to pneumatic otoscopy. TMs were clear. TMs are dull, retracted.
Nose: Nasal passages pink and moist, clear (free) rhinorrhea. Throat: Beefy red, no exudates. Clear and free of erythema. Strep test is positive. Buccal mucosa is pink and moist as is the tongue. Posterior pharynx was normal. Facial musculature is atrophic with considerable amount of atrophic changes around the lips, cheeks, and gums.

NECK: Supple with shoddy cervical lymphadenopathy. Trachea is midline. Carotid arteries negative for bruits bilaterally. No tenderness to palpation over the bony prominences of the cervical spine. No nuchal rigidity or meningeal signs. There is no JVD. No thyromegaly or JVD, carotids 2+, no bruits. Neck is obese. Neck veins are difficult to assess. Neck veins are nondistended. Carotid impulses were normal although the right side exhibited a louder systolic murmur to the left. There is no thyromegaly. Neck veins are flat. The carotids are quiet. Neck is supple, JVD is not appreciated. Thyroid is not palpable. Denies neck swelling.

HEART: NSR without murmur. RRR. Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 without murmurs. Normal S1 and S2, without murmur, gallop, click, or rub. PMI is poorly palpable. Heart tone is somewhat distant. There is an S1 and S2, no S3, soft murmur. Audible heart tones with a grade 1/6 systolic murmur. Regular cardiac rhythm with a fourth heart sound and a grade 1/6 systolic ejection murmur at the base without radiation.
Cardiac examination revealed an impalpable apical impulse, a normal S1 and S2 with normal intensity, splitting not heard, and a grade 2/6 mixed frequency midsystolic murmur of the base in the left sternal border. No diastolic murmur or gallop. Cardiac exam reveals a regular rhythm with no murmurs or gallops. Cardiac exam: S1 and S2, irregular rhythm.

LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion with some upper respiratory rhonchi with expiratory wheeze, rales at the bases. No tenderness to AP and lateral compression of the chest wall. Diaphragmatic excursion is nominal. Has tenderness to palpation over the left chest especially anteriorly. No adventitious sounds. Lungs are clear with a reasonably good air exchange.

ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. No appreciable masses (or no masses noted). No organomegaly. Bowel sounds present in all four quadrants. They are normoactive. No hepatosplenomegaly, masses, or tenderness. Benign without organomegaly. The abdomen was obese and detected no organomegaly.
External genitalia was normal. Vaginal cuff was normal. No pelvic masses or tenderness.

RECTAL EXAM: Rectum had some external or slightly inflamed hemorrhoids. Internally, no masses, brown heme negative stools.

EXTREMITIES: No edema, good peripheral pulses. Within normal developmental limits, symmetrical without edema. Show rheumatoid type remodeling, considerable atrophy of the muscles, swelling of the hand. There is trace 1+ edema. Extremities exhibited no clubbing and cyanosis and pedal pulses were not detected. Good capillary refill.

BACK: No palpable tenderness on the thoracolumbar paraspinous musculature on the left. No spasm. No midline tenderness, crepitus, or stepoff. Able to stand on his toes. Able to stand on his heels and do deep knee bend. Good patellar and Achilles reflexes. Good sensation in the lower extremities. No tenderness over the spine itself; hip flexion-extension is preserved. Interestingly enough, right medial quadriceps is atrophied as compared to the left side but its strength is preserved. No pain with either straight leg raises, ankle flexion-extension, eversion and inversion are all preserved. Sensation to light touch, pin prick, and vibration is intact. Pulses are normal.

NEUROLOGICAL (or CNS): CN 2 through 12 are grossly intact as are motor and sensory sub-systems. The remainder of examination is essentially nominal. CNS is nonfocal. Neurological examination does not reveal any focal or lateralizing deficits. Funduscopic examination is unremarkable. No evidence of afferent pupillary defect or nystagmus; otherwise, II-XII intact.

MOTOR EXAM: 5/5. Normal bulk and tone. 5/5 in left upper extremity and bilateral lower extremity, 4/5 right toe dorsiflexion. Right upper extremity reveals cortical hand with flexed fingers in a grip position, biceps and triceps is 4/5, deltoid is 5/5. She cannot extend her fingers.


REFLEXES: 2+. Toes are downgoing. 3+ in right upper extremity and lower extremity, 2+ left upper extremity. Right toes are upgoing. Left toes are downgoing.

COORDINATION: Intact, other than right upper extremity which revealed dysdiadochokinesis.

GAIT: Steady. Reveals right foot drop which is mild; otherwise, steady. Exam is stable and is documented in the office record.

MENTAL STATUS EXAM: Alert and oriented x3. No tics or dyskinesias. Mood: Reported as “not very good.” Affect was tearful. No suicidal or homicidal ideation.


PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: GENERAL APPEARANCE: The patient is alert and oriented x3. VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 97.8, pulse is 75, respirations are 18, and blood pressure is 160/85 on presentation. Oxygen saturation is 96% on room air. SKIN: Warm, dry, no rash. HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. No perioral or periorbital edema. Eyes: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. Conjunctivae sacs are injected. The ears, nose, and throat are clear. NECK: Supple. No adenopathy or meningeal signs. No meningismus. CHEST: LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm, without murmurs. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. Positive bowel sounds. No visceromegaly. SKIN: Moist. Good turgor without any rash, petechiae, bullae, or purpura. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact without focal or neurologic deficits. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Distal neurovascular functions in the legs are maintained. Legs are very thin. There is no calf or popliteal involvement. Achilles unremarkable. Foot exam normal bilaterally. No specific tenderness on the right ankle was identified or has “soreness” on both ankles. Smooth range of motion noted. Ankle and knee joints are cool. No overlying erythema, evidence of trauma, evidence of DVT, or infection. Knee joints are within good range of motion as well although, they “ache.” No gross laxity or effusion noted.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: GENERAL APPEARANCE: The patient is a delightful, pleasant 26-year-old who is alert and oriented to person, place, time, and purpose, and appropriate for situation. VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 120/80 initially with a recheck of 115/70, pulse 85 and regular, weight 145 lbs which is stable. HEENT: Conjunctiva clear, no exophthalmos. Mucous membranes are pink and moist. NECK: No thyromegaly, jugular venous distention or carotid bruits. LUNGS: Equal and symmetrical expansion, clear throughout to auscultation. Cardiac: Audible S1 and S2. No murmurs, rubs or gallops appreciated. ABDOMEN: Nontender. EXTREMITIES: Radial pulses 2+ bilateral. Posterior tibial pulses 2+ bilateral. No peripheral edema. No clubbing. SKIN: No cyanosis.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Temperature is 98, pulse 60, respirations 20, blood pressure is 130/80, Oxygen saturation is 96%. Peak flow is at 145 prior to nebulizer treatment in the office today. Speech is sluggish but normal. Skin is warm and dry. Color is pinkish tan. Turgor is good. HEENT: TMs are dull. Nares are patent with pink turbinates. Posterior oropharynx: Slightly injected. Oral mucosa: The patient has erythema to the roof of the mouth, several missing teeth, several with really bad gingivitis. Neck is supple with enlarged lymphs in the anterior cervical chain, none in posterior. No thyromegaly . Chest: Heart rate is regular. Lungs are clear to auscultation. Respiratory rate is regular. Chest expansion is equal bilaterally. No sternal or axillary node is palpable. Report pain at a level 7-1/2 in his leg and the head.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Afebrile. Weight 130 pounds, temperature 99.7, heart rate of 100, blood pressure 120/70, oxygen saturation 94% on room air. In general, this is a thin, teary-eyed patient, alert, pleasant, in no apparent distress. Neck veins are flat. Lungs are clear. Heart S1, S2. On S1 and S2, evidence of pectus excavatum noted with anterior chest wall deformity. Lungs: Rhonchi present bilaterally, no crackles, no wheezes. Exam of nostrils: No obvious evidence of polyps, but with evidence of deviated nasal septum noted. Cardiovascular exam is normal. Pelvic exam: Visual exam of the vulva and perineal area was done only. The patient has multiple vesicles noted at the perineum with several scattered papules over the labia majora. Abdomen is soft, nontender. Extremities: No edema. (Trace ankle edema.)

LABORATORY: Basic metabolic panel, free T4, and TSH which are currently pending. Urinalysis does reveal 1+ leukocytes, positive nitrites, 1+ protein, trace of blood, 1+ ketone, 1+ bilirubin, remainder negative. Urine pregnancy test is negative. LCR is currently pending. CBC: Normal except for white count of 4300. Pancreas metabolic profile: Normal. Total cholesterol 167 with HDL 69, LDL 75. WBC count today is 8.8 with a 73/27 differential. QBC is in the chart. Remainder of the examination is essentially nominal. Chemistries: Creatinine has gone up. The rest seems to be stable.

RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION: Shows increased broncho-pulmonary markings, bronchial wall cuffing, infiltrates bilaterally. Review of previous x-ray does show what appears to be two fractures on the anterior ribs. Previous film was read for congestion.

Electrocardiogram: EKG demonstrates sinus rhythm. Inferior and lateral ST depression and without significant change compared with previous EKG.
A 12-lead electrocardiogram today demonstrates a sinus rhythm at 70 bpm with left anterior fascicular block and nonspecific intralateral ST-T wave changes.